Tony Melendez
Tony, a native of New York City and a self-taught artist, has been painting for over 30 years. Inspirations come to him from his dreams and so he calls his canvases "dreamscapes." Figures are represented with detailed costuming and jewel-like designs. The designs are somewhat reminiscent of a combination of eras; the Renaissance and the Medieval. Yet in his work, which is an artist signature, humanity is represented with naïve features. These forms portray the innocence and acceptance of gentler beings, with hope for all who live in their realms. He has also recently created his own version of tapestries. The works are wall hangings, painted on canvas and strung on rods.
Tony has been presenting his works locally in galleries and on the Internet.
The Art Pros Curators Dan Rojas, Vesna Anderson, and Denise Rojas
813-626-8738 727-367-4210